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HomeLifestyle10 Things You Don’t Owe Anyone An Explanation For, According To Psychology

10 Things You Don’t Owe Anyone An Explanation For, According To Psychology

There’s a fine line between being open and over-sharing.

According to psychology, there are certain things in life that we simply don’t owe anyone an explanation for. And yet, we often find ourselves caught in the trap of feeling like we need to justify our choices or actions.

As the founder of Hack Spirit and an expert in mindfulness and Buddhism, I’ve learned that it’s not about being secretive or closed off, it’s about understanding our own boundaries and respecting our personal space.

In this article, I’ll share with you 10 things you don’t owe anyone an explanation for. Remember, sometimes, it’s perfectly okay to keep your reasons to yourself.

Let’s dive in and explore these areas together.

1) Your Personal Boundaries

Diving headfirst into the psychology of personal space, we find that maintaining personal boundaries is crucial to our mental health.

And guess what? We don’t owe anyone an explanation for where we draw those lines.

We often find ourselves in situations where people overstep or disregard our boundaries. It can be a friend who constantly borrows your things without asking, a co-worker who dumps their work on you, or even a family member who feels entitled to your time and energy.

Establishing and enforcing personal boundaries is a sign of self-respect. But more often than not, we end up justifying our boundaries to the people around us, feeling obligated to offer lengthy explanations.

Let me tell you something as a mindfulness expert: You don’t owe anyone an explanation for your boundaries. They are yours to set and yours alone.

It’s not about pushing people away. It’s about understanding the importance of your own space and peace of mind. And it’s absolutely okay to preserve and protect that space without providing a reason.

After all, mindfulness teaches us the value of inner peace, and sometimes that means keeping certain things to ourselves.

2) Your Self-Care Practices

The second thing you don’t owe an explanation for is your self-care practices.

In our fast-paced world, we’re often pressured to maintain a constant state of productivity. Taking time out for self-care can sometimes be misconstrued as laziness or selfishness. And so, we feel compelled to justify our need for rest and rejuvenation.

But guess what? You don’t owe anyone an explanation for prioritizing your well-being.

As a mindfulness practitioner, I understand the critical role that self-care plays in our overall health and happiness. Whether it’s meditating, reading a book, going for a walk in nature, or simply sitting quietly with a cup of tea, these practices are essential to our well-being.

And as the famous mindfulness expert, Thich Nhat Hanh once said, “Taking care of yourself is not a betrayal of others, but a commitment to the well-being of all”.

So, remember: You do not need to justify your self-care practices. They are an integral part of your journey towards well-being and inner peace.

3) Your Life Philosophy

Here’s the third thing you don’t owe an explanation for: your life philosophy.

We all have our own set of beliefs and principles that guide our actions and decisions. These philosophies are unique to each one of us, shaped by our experiences, influences, and introspections.

However, there will always be people who don’t understand or agree with your viewpoint. And that’s okay. You don’t owe anyone an explanation for your personal philosophy.

As someone who has delved deep into the teachings of Buddhism and mindfulness, I have come to understand that everyone’s path is different. Each one of us is on a unique journey towards self-discovery and spiritual growth.

In my book, Hidden Secrets of Buddhism: How To Live With Maximum Impact and Minimum Ego, I delve into the transformative power of Buddhism, sharing insights that can help you live a more purposeful and fulfilled life.

Your life philosophy is yours alone. You don’t need to justify it or explain it to anyone. Rather, let your actions and the way you live your life be a testament to your beliefs.

4) Your Choice of Solitude

Next up on our list is the choice of solitude.

In a society that is constantly connected and always on the go, choosing solitude can often be misconstrued as anti-social behavior. However, solitude is an essential aspect of self-discovery and personal growth.

You don’t owe anyone an explanation for craving your alone time. It’s your time to recharge, reflect and reconnect with yourself.

As renowned Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung famously said, “Loneliness does not come from having no people around you, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to you.”

In practical terms, this means that it’s okay to turn down invitations or choose to stay in on a Friday night if that’s what you need. Remember, it’s about your well-being and what feels right for you, not about meeting societal expectations or norms.

When when you find yourself justifying your need for solitude, take a step back and remind yourself: You don’t owe an explanation for seeking your own company.

5) Your Core Values

The fifth thing you don’t owe an explanation for is your core values.

Our values are the guiding principles that dictate our behavior and actions. They reflect what is truly important to us, shaping our lives and defining our character.

However, not everyone will understand or respect your values. And sometimes, you may find yourself trying to justify or explain them. But remember, you don’t owe anyone an explanation for your core values.

Over the years, as I’ve delved deeper into mindfulness and Buddhism, I’ve realized the importance of understanding my core values. They act as my compass, guiding my decisions and choices, helping me stay true to myself.

To help you define and understand your own values, I highly recommend Life Transition coach Jeanette Brown’s Defining Your Values Exercise. It’s a practical tool that can aid you in gaining clarity about what truly matters to you.

It’s your journey. Your values are yours alone and you don’t need to justify them to anyone. They are the essence of who you are and what you stand for.

6) Your Decision to Say No

Sixth on our list is your decision to say no.

In an effort to be accommodating and avoid conflict, we often find ourselves saying yes when we really mean no. But constantly pleasing others at the expense of our own well-being can lead to stress and resentment.

Here’s the simple truth: You don’t owe anyone an explanation for saying no.

Saying no is about setting boundaries and respecting your own time and energy. It’s not about being rude or unkind, it’s about recognizing and honoring your own needs.

So next time you’re faced with a decision, remember that it’s okay to say no. And if someone doesn’t understand or respect your decision, you don’t owe them an explanation. After all, your time and energy are precious. Use them in ways that serve you best.

7) Your Mindfulness Practices

Number seven on our list is your mindfulness practices.

In today’s fast-paced world, mindfulness can often be misunderstood or even dismissed. But as a mindfulness expert and practitioner, I can attest to the transformative power of being present in the moment.

Whether it’s meditating, practicing yoga, or simply taking a few moments each day to breathe and center yourself, these practices are a part of your personal journey towards inner peace and self-discovery.

You don’t owe anyone an explanation for your mindfulness practices. They are a part of your self-care routine, helping you to stay grounded, focused, and at peace with yourself and the world around you.

Mindfulness is about being present and fully engaged with the here and now. It’s about accepting yourself as you are without judgement.

Embrace your practices, without feeling the need to justify them to anyone. They are your path to inner tranquility and contentment.

8) Your Career Choices

The eighth thing you don’t owe an explanation for is your career choices.

We all have our own paths to follow and our own dreams to chase. Whether you decide to take a less traditional job, start your own business, switch careers mid-life, or even take some time off, these are your decisions to make.

You don’t owe anyone an explanation for your career choices. They are a part of your personal journey and reflect your passions, interests, and ambitions.

As the renowned poet Robert Frost once said, “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”

It’s your career path. You’re the one walking it. So make choices that align with your values and aspirations, without feeling the need to justify them to anyone.

9) Your Emotions

Number nine on our list might surprise you: your emotions.

In a society that often encourages us to put on a brave face and hide our true feelings, it can feel counterintuitive to say that you don’t owe anyone an explanation for your emotions.

Our emotions are a natural response to our experiences, thoughts, and perceptions. They are deeply personal and unique to each one of us.

As someone who has spent years practicing mindfulness, I’ve learned the importance of acknowledging and accepting our emotions. It’s about understanding that it’s okay to feel what we feel, without judgment or justification.

Whether you’re feeling ecstatic, angry, sad, or anything in between, remember: You don’t owe anyone an explanation for your emotions. They are a part of you and your experience. It’s enough to simply feel and accept them as they are.

10) Your Personal Goals and Dreams

Last but not least, you don’t owe anyone an explanation for your personal goals and dreams.

Each one of us has our own aspirations, our own vision of success. Whether it’s running a marathon, starting a business, writing a book, or simply living a peaceful and contented life, these are your personal goals and dreams.

You don’t owe anyone an explanation for what you aspire to achieve. Your dreams are yours alone. They reflect your passions, your interests, and the life you want to live.

So focus on your path and take steps towards your goals daily. And remember, it’s not about justifying your dreams to others, but about pursuing them with determination and passion. After all, it’s your life. Live it on your own terms.


It’s important to remember that your life is your own. You don’t owe anyone an explanation for your boundaries, self-care practices, life philosophy, choice of solitude, core values, decision to say no, mindfulness practices, career choices, emotions, or your personal goals and dreams.

Each of these aspects is a part of your personal journey towards self-discovery and inner peace. And they don’t require justification.

As you navigate through life, take time to understand and define your core values. Jeanette Brown’s Defining Your Values Exercise can be a great tool to help you gain clarity about what truly matters to you.

Remember, it’s not about justifying your choices to others but about living a life that aligns with your values and aspirations. After all, it’s your journey. Live it on your own terms.

Jeanette Brown


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